Monday, July 2, 2012

What to Blog About?

Happy Monday. Here is to another week of queries, submissions, postings, and tons of other things. So, recently I have wondered what people actually blog about. Especially the writing community. Here is what I have come to understand...everyone does what they feel is comfortable. So, in attempt to do the same, I will commit to posting at least 2 times a week, 3 if I am really good.

So, in interest of keeping myself on a schedule, I will post Monday Musings (random info, whatever meets my fancy), Writing Wednesdays (basically writing related topics) and Friday fun (this one will be the one I will try to get to...all things new in media or news).

Come back later today for Monday's Musings. Now, off to play with my sassy six year old. :)

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, things got so much easier for me when i commited to a schedule. For a long time friday was my only preplanned theme day, and then i'd have to find things to talk about on M and W. But now with my Wednesday Weird, i only have to worry about Monday, which is much more manageable. Good luck!


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