Hey there, I have been without internet for a
long while now, and have not really been able to blog. So, this makes me so
excited. I am about to blog awesomeness. Why?
Because I am a teacher. And I teach 13 and 14 year olds. And I teach
English. So, reading and writing. READING AND WRITING FOLKS! Which means I have
so much access to the one thing writers love. READERS! And in particular, YA
So, every once in a while, my brain actually works and puts
something together that is amazeballs. And here it is. I interviewed some of my
students to find out FROM THE SOURCE, what teens look for and don’t look for in
books. These are the kids who buy our beloved books. These are the ones we need
to entice. Yes, everything is subjective, but when I noticed these girls devour
books like it’s a plateful of pie, I figured I would get inside their head. Ask
them a few questions about what they read and why they read it.
So, here is the interview. Listen and learn, writers. Today’s
audience...teen girls. If you are writing YA, pay attention!
Welcome Jessa, Katelyn, and Rumneet, Jaiya, Euna, and Kendra. Six wonderful girls with sass
and spunk. You could not ask for six more amazing students in your class.
Me: So what genre books do
you usually read?
Jessa: We love science fiction, like Hunger
Games. It has to have romance and drama.
Katelyn: And dystopia like Hunger Games. I loved
that whole series.
Rumneet: I also like fantasy.
Jaiya: Adventure, historical fiction and
fantasy. Anything with zombies.
Euna: Romance, comedy and fantasy.
Kendra: Romance and realistic fiction.
Euna: Romance, comedy and fantasy.
Kendra: Romance and realistic fiction.
Me: What about paranormal.
Like werewolves and vampires, etc?
Katelyn: Oh yeah. We LOVE that. Hot werewolves.
Me: So what are some of your
favorite books you’ve read this year?
Jessa: Delirium, Divergent, Hush Hush saga, The
Katelyn: The Host, Hush Hush saga, Wake
(series), Before I Fall, and the first Marked book.
Rumneet: Immortal Series and Eragon series. I
also loved Shadow Falls.
Katelyn: And Raven. That one was so good.
Euna: Hush Hush, Child Called It, Harry Potter series, and Matched.
Kendra: Perfect Chemistry, Hush Hush, Chain Reaction.
Me: So what has to be in a
book for you to want to read it?
Jessa: Romance, a hot guy, and drama. I also
like my book to be a little steamy. I don’t mind description of kissing, I just
kind of laugh.
Katelyn: I like my romance sweet. I don’t want
to know all the details. There needs to be a good problem. Something that is
hard to fix. And totally hot guys.
Rumneet: I like warm romance. In between. Not
too much detail, but enough.
Katelyn: We like a girl POV because we like not
knowing what the guy is thinking.
Jaiya: Relatable characters. They don’t have to
have super stand-outish personalities, they should be realistic.
Euna: I like really good looking guys.
Kendra: Slow romance that you can tell is coming. Friends becoming more is cute. And what people are thinking. Lots of detail and descriptions.
Euna: I like really good looking guys.
Kendra: Slow romance that you can tell is coming. Friends becoming more is cute. And what people are thinking. Lots of detail and descriptions.
Me: What are some of your
favorite all time characters?
Me: Why do you like him so
Katelyn: Because he’s hot. And dangerous. And
protective. He will do anything for Nora. He’s mysterious. But the guy on the
cover does NOT match what I have in my head. In my head, he’s way better
looking. I also like Janie, from Wake. She’s responsible and takes care of her
alcoholic mom. She’s independent and strong.
Me: Do you think characters
like Patch border on abusive? There’s debate in the writing world about that.
Katelyn: No, not at all. I mean, he does
sometimes become overprotective and he needs to let Nora do what she needs to.
Like Scott, he needs to not be jealous of Scott. Scott’s a good guy.
Jessa: Ooooo. Scott. I love him. And Vee. I
can’t believe who she turned out to be.
Me: *glares* DO NOT GIVE AWAY
THE ENDING. (Finale)
Katelyn: Now Cable, from Wake, he is overbearing
and kind of a jerk.
Euna: Also Harry Potter but only in Goblet of
Fire. He looked so good in that one.
Jaiya: Katniss, Marius, and Percy Jackson.
Kendra: Alex and Brittany from Perfect Chemistry. They have unsuspecting feeling of getting together.
Jaiya: Katniss, Marius, and Percy Jackson.
Kendra: Alex and Brittany from Perfect Chemistry. They have unsuspecting feeling of getting together.
Me: What are books you
absolutely did not like?
Jessa: Cinder. I just couldn’t get into the
whole robot thing. It was too weird. Oh and Shiver. I am not a big werewolf
Katelyn: Wait.
Shiver has werewolves?
Jessa: Yeah, the guy is.
Jessa: They’re not witches, they’re Casters.
Katelyn: Whatever. I don’t like them. I also
didn’t like Matched. The whole dying thing and the fact that they couldn’t
choose their life, was unrealistic.
Rumneet: I liked the first Beautiful Creatures
ok. But the second one just was slow. I had to rush through it, and I didn’t
end up picking up any others.
Jaiya: I don't have any books I really don't
like. (this girl is a DREAM READER)
Euna: Esperanza Rising. I didn't understand it and there was no romance so it wasn't interesting.
Kendra: I don't think there has ever been a bad book. (another DREAM READER)
Euna: Esperanza Rising. I didn't understand it and there was no romance so it wasn't interesting.
Kendra: I don't think there has ever been a bad book. (another DREAM READER)
Me: So, when you are choosing
books, what do you look for?
Katelyn: I read the back. I look at the
loglines. Like Wake says Open Your Eyes. But she’s blind. So that makes me
Rumneet: I read the blurb, but then look at the
cover. It has to have some mystery I want to solve. Something that makes me
have to know what it means.
Katelyn: And two people almost kissing. I love
Jaiya: I read books that people recommend to me.
Usually they are right.
Euna: There has to be some kind of love triangle, the guy has to be really good looking, and the girl has to be normal.
Euna: There has to be some kind of love triangle, the guy has to be really good looking, and the girl has to be normal.
Jessa: I read the blurb. When I want a good book, I come to you, Mrs.
Torgesen. You know all the good books.
Katelyn: Yeah. Me too. I come see you.
Euna: Is that a gif? It's from Friends. It's
Jessa: I also look for hot guys. It has to have
hot guys.
Kendra: I look at the title and the back.
Something needs to be interesting and pop out at me. Something that surprises
Me: Describe the perfect
Girls: It would be about a girl. And there would
be love. And multiple guys would be fighting for her and she would have to
choose. But she would choose the right one, which is not necessarily the good
guy. He would be a little bit bad. And dangerous. A forbidden love. She would
follow her heart. And there would be family secrets. They would be in a small
town because there, secrets are harder to keep because everyone knows everyone
else. There would also be a villain. But it wouldn’t be an obvious one. Like a
friend or something. It would have to be paranormal. That would be the best
book. You need to write it.
Me: What would the perfect MC be like:
Dark past
Not too much of a goody-goody
Long hair
Bright eyes
Worrisome, cautious
She would be independent
Could fend for herself
Quick thinker
The perfect Love Interest:
dark and dangerous
good looking
tortured past
forbidden love
alluring eyes
The perfect Villain
false/pretends to be something else
quick thinker
always has a plan, ahead of the game
tries to be a friend/love interest
So this is what teen girls are looking for in a good book. Nothing
groundbreaking, but it’s something to chew on. Do your books include these
critical things? Are your characters lacking any of these characteristics?
Is paranormal dead? These girls would say otherwise. I will say the
books that fly off my shelf and the ones that frequently have to be replaced
are almost all fantasy/paranormal romance.
So, next time, what are teen guys into reading? Would that be a post
you’d be interested in? Any other questions you have for the teen reader? Post
them here.
Great stuff!! Good to know that paranormal is alive and kicking!! And yes, I'd definitely love a post about what teen guys are reading too.
ReplyDeleteI am curious about teens' favorite contemporary/realistic books too. Anything there your students love/would recommend?
This is a really cool and informative post <3