Monday, March 10, 2014

One Step Closer

 The life of a writer is really insane. At times, I feel like other parts of my life have suffered greatly for the sake of my work. I sometimes have not been the best mom, daughter, friend or teacher. There have been things that have been swept under the rug for the sake of a few moments on my laptop.

Often, I wondered if it ever really mattered. What was I doing it all for? When people ask me why I write or if I want to be the next Rowling, I say “Of course!” I mean it would be nice, right? But that’s not why I write.
I write because it helps me work out the things that are on my mind. I write because I have stories in my head that I want to tell. I write because I know that out there are other people just like me who have the same fears, wants, desires, insecurities, and they could appreciate the worlds I craft.

And though it would be great to make a ton of money doing it, I don’t DO it for the money. I do because I feel a need to. I do it because it's who I am. And I would love to one day hold a book in my hand with "written by Carey Torgesen" on the cover.
Like most of us, for a long time, I’ve been trying to make that dream come true. But things don’t always come as easy as you want them to, and sometimes the road you thought you were going to take veers off in a different direction. It’s not always easy, taking that path less traveled. It’s downright scary because you’re left wondering if it’s the right way, or if you've gotten yourself lost. Will you end up at your final destination or will you find you have to set up camp where you are?
Well, I don’t know the answer to that yet, but I can say that it’s all part of the journey, right?

With that said, after querying for over a year, shelving and unshelving my women’s fiction manuscript, sending and resending partials, fulls, and receiving all kinds of feedback from agents, editors, and small presses, I can finally say:

In about 9 months I am going to be able to hold my book, THE PRINCESS PARADOX, in my hand.

I'm going to be published by a small press! I’ll have an actual book that will be in independent bookstores locally in Seattle, available on amazon in both print and e-book format, and I will have editors and cover artists, and all kinds of wonderful hard working people that will help me make my dream of being a published author come true.

And it makes me want to do this:

After having to decide between two amazing offers of contract, I've decided to go with Cliffhanger Press, a new press but one I have complete confidence in. Do I have an agent yet? No. Am I still looking for one? You bet. I won’t stop until I have one and I won’t give up writing until I have no more stories to tell. This is not the path I originally intended on finding, but it is one I am happy to be on. And I’m certain that I made the right decision for me.
I will be in fierce editing and revising mode and I am both scared and excited at how much work it’s going to be, but I know in the end, it will be completely worth it.

I thank all of my beta readers, my CPs, and everyone who has ever helped me get this story out there. It’s my baby. I love Nora and Aidan and Finn and can't wait to have their story out there. It’s really the story of me and the journey I have been on in the last few years. And I hope, once it’s out there, you will all celebrate with me!
I will update with more information as I go!

(not the actual cover, just something I created) :)